Salmon Valley Baptist Church


Salmon Valley Baptist Church was first known as Salmon Valley Chapel. It’s first Sunday service was November 9, 1969. It was a mission church sponsored by Calvary Baptist Church in Idaho Falls. 30 people attended that first service, which took place in the Eagles Hall. In October 1977 Brother John Rebman became the pastor of SVBC. He had a vision for the church to move out of Eagles Hall and in 1980 construction started on a building off of Cemetery Lane. The first service in the new building took place on a cold Easter morning in 1981. The building was complete in September of the same year and the church was debt free! Brother Rebman resigned as pastor in 1987 and Pastor Bruce Miller took over in 1988 and served SVBC for 8 1/2 years. Pastor Mike Palmer has served since 1997 and has and continues to lead the church to where it is today.

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